It’s been quite a few months since I voiced my dislike for lightboxes at Jquery Slideshows post over at BradBlogging. Those few comments attracted more flame my way than few hundred posts at this blog.
It got me thinking – is negative opinion better subject to flame? Quite ironic.
Image by -Marlith-
Looking for faults
Some time early this year I had stumbled into Wikipedia article on depressive realism. This clicks with my character a lot. I fail to keep positive attitude for over ten minutes and any challenging task invokes few heavy whining cycles.
It helps me think.
I don’t believe into lists of awesomeness. If something needs to be done than there are reasons it isn’t done already. And those reasons must be precisely evaluated and processed. Rose-colored glasses are last thing I want for that.
Getting back to JavaScript – where some people seem to see pure bliss I see technology too accessible and abused. With long history of poor compatibility (ask any long time Opera users what he thinks about Google web apps) and cultivating questionable design decisions. Those very lightboxes in question.
Stepping on toes
Imagine person carefully making list of every single site without JS and going through them, telling owners that they suck. Clearly bonkers.
Yet… for voicing my vaguely worded dislike for poor JS techniques I got called ancient, out of line, lazy, unwilling to learn, lame and worthy of a cave for habitat.
After rolling it in my head much later I realize it was not about my opinion at all. It was about attacking whatever opinion that seems to differ.
Which, for my taste, is as lame as things get.
Things in perspective
Curiously latest comment aimed at me came months after my blog got very own slideshow in header. Gosh, if you are going to tell someone he is retarded at least check out his link. :)
In months that passed and with experience that comes from managing this blog I had got much more clear understanding of JS/AJAX/jQuery nuances. I knew that it is huge part of web before, but now I see that part better.
I still think poorly done lightboxes must die.
I may not be at best odds with JS. But is my dislike on same scale as personal attack based on technology opinion? You tell me.
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