Yesterday was deadline for my business cards giveaway, sponsored by UPrinting. Response was quite weak so I have a lot of things to think about and very few submissions to showcase.
Michael Silverman, A Student of Sustainability
Michael is senior in high school and has quite a spin on personal site, covering his research work and sustainable projects. As he wrote in email “I really could have used a business card to hand to the mayor the other day” so now he will have some.
Nick Staroba, Graphic Designer
You may not have seen much of Nick on this blog (lurker) but he is rather active and nice contact on Twitter so follow him there @nickstaroba. He runs stylish blog focused on spreading vector freebies around.
So these two get 1000 free business cards each, I will email details to Gino of UPrinting right after this post goes live so he can contact winners.
Brooding on results
I hadn’t expected many submission but only two was discouraging. This was not a first giveaway I was offered to run either. I picked it for nice real-world value and no strings attached.
- limited free shipping turned out to be heavy restriction, USA and Canada make ~40% of my visitors but somehow a lot of most active readers are from anywhere but there;
- people are lazy, I know for a fact some were going to submit and never got to it, even with my personal reminders.
Lessons learned
- ease of digital distribution might be more important than real-world value;
- moderate prizes fail to spark interest.
So armed with this knowledge I am back (never left actually) to usual blogging and waiting for future opportunities. Stay tuned. :)
Nick Staroba #
Angelo R. #
Rarst #
Lyndi #
Michael Silverman #
Rarst #