Design is so broad area. While in Internet design is often associated with something fleeting that must capture visitor in those few first seconds… I think long-term design aspects, things that will be used for years are just as important.
So having many things to to choose from I picked my Logitech MX500 mouse to write about in this post on design.
Logitech MX500 was announced in autumn 2002 as part of MX series. It was breakthrough in terms of design combining and reinforcing early ergonomic trends in solid asymmetrical form plus ditching excessive twin-sensor concept of previous high-end mice for new optical engine.

As far as I remember MX500 was first mice to hide buttons in plain sight by making them part of casing. Fluid form gave it alien looks of being something else while retaining all features of usual mouse. It had best ergonomics available which was exactly the reason I bought it shortly after release and using till now.
MX optical engine was a breakthrough important to making optical mice mainstream. It single-handedly solved most of surface problems and losing cursor from moving mouse too fast.
While there is only so much buttons you can place on mouse - thumb and on top of wheel remain most usable areas for them to this day.
MX series defined mouse design for a decade which is far from over.
While it had direct updates of MX series and spinoff of G-series gaming mice …

Logitech MX Revolution is rebirth of MX series.

Years later Logitech took same recipe – superior ergonomics, superior functions, alien looks and excellent usability. Pure spirit of MX500 living to this day. Will it ever be replaced with new design concepts? Time will show.
This post was written for “Design you love ” group writing project. (roundup, winners)
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